Many of the people I work with have difficulty treating themselves with compassion. If you see yourself having trouble with this, you may find a loving kindness meditation helpful and moving. If you would like to listen to a guided version of this meditation, an audio link is at the bottom.

In a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Say or think to yourself:

“May I be safe”
“May I be happy”
“May I be at peace”
“May I be healthy and free from pain”

As you do this, see if you can generate a feeling of warmth and love for yourself. It’s okay if you experience resistance to this idea. You may repeat these phrases if you’d like. Allow yourself to be with this wish for wellbeing for yourself.

As you hold this regard for yourself, you can begin to spread this wish for wellbeing to others. You can start with someone who you have an uncomplicated relationship with, someone who you know also holds positive regard for you. You can imagine sending your warmth and kindness to them. Say or think to yourself:

“May they be safe”
“May they be happy”
“May they be at peace”
“May they be healthy and free from pain”

Next, send your wishes for wellbeing to a neutral person. It can be an acquaintance who you do not know very well. Imagine your warmth and kindness extending to them. Just as you wish for wellbeing, so do they.

“May they be safe”
“May they be happy”
“May they be at peace”
“May they be healthy and free from pain”

You can even expand your wish for wellbeing out to all living beings, even those who you have complicated relationships with. Just as you wish for peace, so do they. Imagine your warmth, goodwill, and kindness extending to them.

“May they be safe”
“May they be happy”
“May they be at peace”
“May they be healthy and free from pain”

Notice how it feels to generate these feelings of warmth, love, and goodwill, both toward yourself and toward others. Know that you can return to these feelings any time you choose to. When you are ready, open your eyes.